Sustainable Bites: Food and Our Future

At the University of British Columbia, we’re advancing society by addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Sustainable Bites: Food and Our Future What can we do to help make our food systems more sustainable? UBC researchers share small steps that can make a big collective impact.

Read the stories below to find out how.

Sustainable Bites stories

Aerial view of large apples with an "organic" label, overlaying an image of tiny agricultural vehicles on a field.
Assortment of food items including fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, and meat displayed with directional arrows on a white background.
Split image showing a top-down view of a farmer on a tractor in a green field on the left, and a pile of food waste including fruits and vegetables on the right.
A digitally edited image juxtaposing a ripe tomato against a detailed globe representing earth, emphasizing contrast and scale, set against a vibrant red background.
A surreal composite image featuring a landscape with a reflective lake, forested mountains, and cloudberry and bluebell flowers superimposed over the scene, creating a vivid, dreamlike atmosphere.
A scientist in a lab coat examines a plant sample outdoors, with a backdrop of a lush university campus and mountains at sunset. fresh vegetables are visible in the foreground.

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