
Latest stories in inclusion

Silhouettes of a girl group basking in the radiant pink light.

Global auditions are changing the ‘K’ in K-pop

K-pop is evolving beyond its Korean roots, integrating Canadian talent into its worldwide narrative

Professors Heidi Janz (left) and Michelle Stack in Bremen, Germany in September 2023 where they held a workshop on ableism.

Dos and don’ts to help tackle ableism

Tips for those unsure of saying or doing the right thing to challenge ableism

Composite image of people looking unhappy: two people in business suits, a person wearing an apron at a coffee shop and a person in bed with their hand on their forehead

What are microaggressions?

Here are examples of how microaggressions show up in everyday interactions, including in the workplace and health-care settings

A photo of a young woman's hands using social media on an tablet

How girls are using social media for positive change

The online world has real dangers, but girls are using social media to create positive change and practice good digital citizenship.